داستان آبیدیک

corruption risk


1 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: ریسک فساد

Do e-government solutions sufficiently take private sector perspectives into account to maximize its potential for addressing corruption risks? Companies are not always consulted in relation to the development of e-government and corruption risks as they affect the private sector, and yet international organisations, civil society, and governments often expect them to actively support e-government. The existence and quality of the whole-of-government e-government strategy, its maturity and implementation status should be included as part of country corruption risk assessments. Literature that uses empirical evidence related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as an indicator of the effectiveness of e-government to curb corruption is also limited, and studies of the private sector withdrawing from markets due to corruption risks despite the existence of e-government appear non-existent. Entering a new market is often identified as presenting increased corruption risks, in particular where a business places reliance on external consultants, intermediaries, or other third parties to gather information about the host environment.

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